DC Council FY21 Budget Oversight - Notice of Hearings and Instructions for Public Participation

Budget Timeline and Oversight Hearing Schedule

In response to the ongoing public health emergency related to the Coronavirus and COVID-19, the District of Columbia Government has taken steps to combat the spread of the virus, focus our government resources on a full and complete response, and protect the health, safety, well-being, and economic future of District residents.

The Mayor will be transmitting her FY 2021 Budget and Financial Plan and associated documents to the Council on May 12, 2020. The Notice of Hearings and Instructions for Public Participation detail the date and time of each hearing as well as the specific instructions each committee has for members of the public to provide their input on the proposed budget.  

Many elements of the FY21 budget process remain in flux as we continue to respond to the changing public health emergency. Our office will provide updates as they become available. Please check our website www.dccouncilbudget.com, twitter @dccouncilbudget, and www.dccouncil.us, for budget schedule updates. For all information pertaining to the District’s response to Coronavirus, please visit coronavirus.dc.gov.